Modpack Code (v):

Hit Ctrl+F5 to refresh!

Installation Instructions

  1. Install r2modman
  2. Open up r2modman and select Risk of Rain 2. (Make sure you don't accidentally select the dedicated server!)
  3. In the profile select screen (Settings > Profile > Change Profile), click Import/Update, and paste the modpack code into it.
  4. Once the modpack has finished importing, click Start Modded and you should be able to join the server.
If you get errors about mod incompatibilities, try to reimport the profile as r2modman sometimes may fail to import mods.

How to Join

Server is visible in the server browser, make sure you enable Show Started Games. If you don't see it, open the console with Ctrl + Alt + ~, then enter the following:



Difficulty: Monsoon

Artifacts: Notable Mods (Pack built off of RiskyStarterPack):

Playing Singleplayer

Just disable ForceRule and AutoArtifact, and install RulebookUnlocker instead. You'll still be able to connect to the server since these are purely server-side mods that don't need syncing.


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